What we're doing
We have two simple goals at Flying Fox Supporters, they're big, they're hairy, but if we don't tackle them then the future is definitely scary.
Goal 1
Changing the public perception of flying-foxes and encouraging the understanding of their important role in Australia’s forest ecosystem.
Goal 2
Stopping the native habitat destruction that drives flying-foxes into urban areas and into conflict with human activities.
In order to achieve these aims FFS offers a national touchpoint for information and community engagement that highlights and supports the fantastic efforts already being made by many teams around Australia.
By sharing positive stories about flying-foxes, people will begin to understand them and warm to them. Generally people are more likely to protect animals that they know and like.

How you can help
Here are a few ways that you can help us keep up the momentum:
Spread the word
You can show your support for FFS and our mission by sharing any of our material on your social accounts, via email or anyway you see fit.
You're free to use our information resources if you'd like to give a class or group presentation on Flying-foxes and the great work that's being done to improve their situation.
Come to an event
Take a look at our events page to see if there's something happening near you and come along, local initiatives are the heart and soul of our movement.
Plant Flowering and Fruiting Trees Specific to your Locality
(For example: Jerry Coleby-Williams 'Favourite Flying-Fox Food Trees').
Join or support local wildlife rehabilitation groups
(For example: WIRES Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation)
Join a local bushcare group to improve bushland and habitat in your locality
(For example: Lane Cove National Park Bushcare)
Encourage neigbours and local residents to use robust, small aperture wildlife safe netting such as Hailguard and to never use barbed wire to fence properties. Single strand wire and other fencing options are available.
(See further detail in 'Useful Information' under 'Threats' and 'Common Questions').
Be a Flying-Fox Supporter
There is a lot of great work being done to protect flying foxes and their habitat, but we also need to show that these are important issues for a lot of people, and we'd love to have you onboard.
There is no fee, no obligation.
However, by joining our team you add weight to our cause, and you will also receive email updates from us from time to time but if you're already receiving too many emails then you can unsubscribe from those whenever you wish.
Useful Resources
There are many fantastic organisations and teams around Australia that are working to improve the situation for flying-foxes.
Office of Environment & Heritage
Doug Gimesy – Photographer & ‘Communication Consultancy’
The Framing Effect - Helping to influence/change misunderstandings more effectively with words and with images.
Doug’s photos convey feelings which trigger positive emotions such as a flying-fox carer feeding an orphan flying-fox which would inspire people to think differently about these animals. View Doug's photo gallery here:
Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society
Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils
An informative website on the ecological importance, vulnerability and the myths that perpetuate about flying-foxes are available via the link below:
The Australian Bat Society Flying-Fox Expert Group can be contact via this link:
Flying-foxes in the Shoalhaven - Shoalhaven City Council
The Animal Justice Party has been instrumental in securing funding for Wildlife Victoria and in advancing any number of other reforms for animals.
For example, Andy Meddick (MLA-Animal Justice Party) read into Parliamentary Hansard, a statement calling on the Victorian Minister for Agriculture to Fast Track regulations to avoid another bad netting season in Victoria.
Joining is a good idea if you want to get stuff done for animals in your state!
National Flying Fox Monitoring Program
Flying Fox Heat Stress Forecaster