Our Plea for Sprinklers to Help Reduce the Unnecessary Loss of Flying Foxes this Summer.

Once again red tape is putting a stall in the initiative to install life saving sprinklers in the trees at Parramatta Park. This small inexpensive action could help preserve the 15,000 Flying Foxes who roost at the Park. The argument is to assess if the sprinklers will affect the Parramatta sand body nearby - however, we believe this is highly unlikely as the sprinklers sit high in the trees and will likely evaporate before affecting any of the parks landscape.

The full article regarding this delay and why it is important can be found on The Sydney Morning Herald: Click Here

The idea of establishing an 'Overhead Irrigation System' to Cool Flying-Foxes During Heatwaves is outlined in an earlier article on FFS: Click Here

After loosing around 100,000 Australian Flying foxes last year in the bushfire season - we need to step up and help prevent this unnecessary loss of life. Flying Foxes are endangered, and we need them much more than they need us.

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