What can I do to help Flying-foxes?

1. The most essential aspect is education about the wonderful work that flying-foxes  undertake in pollination and seed dispersal which promotes the health of Australian forests and rainforests.

2. Plant flowering and fruiting native trees for wildlife, particularly those found naturally in your local area. If you are unsure ask your Council for advice.

See Jerry Coleby-Williams 'Favourite Flying-Fox Food Trees". The image of 'Black Flying-fox Feeding on Banana Nectar' is courtesy of Jerry Coleby-Williams.

3. If you live in a regional area, plant flowering and fruiting trees specific to your locality. Many regional areas have been subjected to land clearing and Flying-foxes move to urban areas in response to food shortages. Unfortunately they can become victims of barbed wire, inappropriate fruit tree netting, powerlines or domestic dog attack.

4. Join or support local wildlife rehabilitation groups.

5. Join a local bushcare group to improve bushland and habitat in your locality.

6. Encourage neigbours and local residents to use robust, small aperture wildlife safe netting such as Hailguard and to never use barbed wire to fence properties. Single strand wire and other fencing options are available. For more information see: 

'What type of netting/fencing should I use'?

Wildlife-Safe Fruit Tree Netting Information Suitable for a Media Release'.

7. Support humane, non-lethal, commercial, fruit crop protection.

8. Report any sighting of banded or injured flying-foxes to a wildlife group or National Parks Wildlife Service.

9. Minimise Flying-fox camp disturbance, especially during breeding season and during heat waves because increased activity can cause further stress to the already exhausted, dehydrated animals.